Wednesday, August 18

Prusa Street, Market Square

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.          Ceramics Fair

Boleslawiec Cultural Centre - International Ceramics Centre (BOK-MCC), Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. Manifest międzygatunkowej solidarności cz. I” (FLOWING WITH HONEY. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part I) - exhibition of ceramics by Stanisław Brach - „W sam raz” Gallery

18:00 p.m.      “Lari Papidze i Levan Mantidze - gruzińscy artyści na Dolnym Śląsku” (Lari Papidze and Levan Mantidze - Georgian artists in Lower Silesia) - opening of the exhibition co-organized with

the Centre for Culture and Art in Wrocław - BOK - MCC, 1st floor, Hall,

Municipal Public Library - Knowledge Centre (MBP-CW), Glowackiego 5 Street

"Bohaterki” (Heroines) - open-air exhibition of photographs by Paweł Łączny, winner of the 1st Grand Press Photo Photograph (PORTRAIT category) - in front of the MBP-CW building

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part II - exhibition of Stanisław Brach ceramics - “Format” Gallery in MBP-CW

06:00 p.m.      Author meeting - prof. Stanisław Sławomir Nicieja in an interview with Sebastian Zielonka (inauguration of the KĄCIK KRESOWY, THE EASTERN BORDERLANDS CORNER)

Thursday, August 19

Prusa Street, Market Square

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.          Ceramics Fair

BOK - MCC, Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. Manifest międzygatunkowej solidarności cz. I” (FLOWING WITH HONEY. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part I) - exhibition of ceramics by Stanisław Brach - „W sam raz” Gallery

10:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.          “Lari Papidze i Levan Mantidze - gruzińscy artyści na Dolnym Śląsku” (Lari Papidze and Levan Mantidze - Georgian artists in Lower Silesia) - the exhibition co-organized with the Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław - BOK - MCC, 1st floor, Lobby

18:00 p.m.      “Nowe wzornictwo w ceramice bolesławieckiej” (New design in Bolesławiec ceramics) - opening of the exhibition - hall of th eFORUM cinema

MBP-CW, Głowackiego 5 Street

"Bohaterki” (Heroines) - open-air exhibition of photographs by Paweł Łączny, winner of the 1st Grand Press Photo Photograph

(PORTRAIT category) - in front of the MBP-CW building

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part II - exhibition of Stanisław Brach ceramics - “Format” Gallery in MBP-CW


Friday, August 20

Bankowa 10 Street, school playground

09:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          Antiques fair

BOK - MCC, Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. Manifest międzygatunkowej solidarności cz. I” (FLOWING WITH HONEY. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part I) - exhibition of ceramics by Stanisław Brach - „W sam raz” Gallery

10:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.          “Lari Papidze i Levan Mantidze - gruzińscy artyści na Dolnym Śląsku” (Lari Papidze and Levan Mantidze - Georgian artists in Lower Silesia) - the exhibition co-organized with the Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław - BOK - MCC, 1st floor, Lobby

10:00 a.m - 18:00 p.m.           “Nowe wzornictwo w ceramice bolesławieckiej” (New design in Bolesławiec ceramics) - opening of the exhibition - FORUM cinema hall

MBP-CW, Głowackiego 5 Street

"Bohaterki” (Heroines) - open-air exhibition of photographs by Paweł Łączny, winner of the 1st Grand Press Photo Photograph (PORTRAIT category) - in front of the MBP-CW building

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part II - exhibition of Stanisław Brach ceramics - “Format” Gallery in MBP-CW

Prusa Street, Market Square

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.          Ceramics Fair

Ceramics Museum, Mickiewicza 13 Street

12:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          Shows and workshops - “Wokół ceramiki w muzealnym ogrodzie” (Around ceramics in the museum garden)

Square behind BOK - MCC

12:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          “Ceramiczne Miasto – polsko-niemieckie warsztaty sztuk plastycznych, malarstwo, ceramika, rzeźba, design, warsztaty bębniarskie – aktywnie i inspirująco dla dorosłych i dla dzieci”

(Ceramic City - Polish-German plastic arts workshops, painting, ceramics, sculpture, design, drum workshops - active and inspiring fun for adults and children)

BOK - MCC, Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

04:00 p.m.      Ceremonial session of the City Council of Bolesławiec

Main entrance to the Town Hall (west side)

06:00 p.m.      Opening of the 27th Ceramics Festival in Bolesławiec

Ceramics Museum, Mickiewicza 13 Street

08:00 p.m.      „Nocne życie w przedwojennym Bolesławcu” (Nightlife in pre-war Bolesławiec) tour

Plac Piłsudskiego Street, Main scene

Alternative scene:

05:00 p.m. Nikos Rusketos & the “Orfeusz” Greek group

06:30 p.m.      Flis&Doris

07:30 p.m. Pop&The

09:30 p.m. Chłopaki z ferajny

Spacerowa Street, Water and Sports Centre (OWS), Main scene

08:00 p.m. Roksana Węgiel with the band

10:00 p.m.      Kwiat Jabłoni

Saturday, August 21

Bankowa 10 Street, school playground

09:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          Antiques fair

Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. Manifest międzygatunkowej solidarności cz. I” (FLOWING WITH HONEY. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part I) - exhibition of ceramics by Stanisław Brach - „W sam raz” Gallery

BOK - MCC, 1st floor, hall

10:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.          “Lari Papidze i Levan Mantidze - gruzińscy artyści na Dolnym Śląsku” (Lari Papidze and Levan Mantidze - Georgian artists in Lower Silesia) - the exhibition co-organized with the Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław

10:00 a.m - 18:00 p.m.           ““Nowe wzornictwo w ceramice bolesławieckiej” (New design in Bolesławiec ceramics) - opening of the exhibition - FORUM cinema hall

Prusa Street, Market Square

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.          Ceramics Fair

MBP-CW, Głowackiego 5 Street

"Bohaterki” (Heroines) - open-air exhibition of photographs by Paweł Łączny, winner of the 1st Grand Press Photo Photograph (PORTRAIT category) - in front of the MBP-CW building

10:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part II - exhibition of Stanisław Brach ceramics - “Format” Gallery in MBP-CW

Ceramics Museum, Kutuzowa 14 Street

11:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.          „Jak dawniej robiono pranie?” (How was laundry done in the past?) show; „Dziedzictwo przemysłowe ożywa” (Industrial heritage comes alive) interactive game

Ceramics Museum, Mickiewicza 13 Street

12:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          Shows and workshops - “Wokół ceramiki w muzealnym ogrodzie” (Around ceramics in the museum garden)”

Market Square

12:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Ceramic historical workshops

Square behind BOK - MCC

12:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          “Ceramiczne Miasto – polsko-niemieckie warsztaty sztuk plastycznych” (Ceramic City - Polish-German plastic arts workshops)

Ceramics Museum, Kutuzowa 14 Street

03:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.          „Jak dawniej robiono pranie?” (How was laundry done in the past?) show; „Dziedzictwo przemysłowe ożywa” (Industrial heritage comes alive) interactive game

03:00 p.m.      show „Co hrabina nosiła pod suknią?” (What did the countess wear under her dress?) - fashion show prepared by the Krobnitz Castle

Bankowa Street

03:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m. “Glina Show / Miasteczko Glina Show”, ZUMBA dance performance by Magdalena Kwiatkowska-Korczowska and Joanna Piekarz, bodypainting: painting models with ceramic patterns, film make-up show, recital of actors' song, recital of Wiktoria Parkity, fitness show Fit Style Zone

Ceramics Museum, Kutuzowa 14 Street

06:00 p.m.      Vernissage of the „Z bolesławieckiej gliny - prezentacja współczesnych zakładów ceramicznych działających na terenie Ziemi Bolesławieckiej” (From Bolesławiec clay - presentation of contemporary ceramic plants operating in the Bolesławiec Region) exhibition prepared in cooperation with the Association of Polish Ceramic Communities as part of the project „Polska i Norwegia na Europejskim Szlaku Ceramiki: włączenie Bolesławca i Porsgrunn do międzynarodowej sieci współpracy miast o tradycjach ceramicznych” (Poland and Norway on the European Ceramics Route: inclusion of Bolesławiec and Porsgrunn into the international network of cooperation between cities with ceramic traditions)

Plac Piłsudskiego Street, Main scene

05:00 p.m. Final concert - „W rytmie transgranicznym - polsko-saksońskie warsztaty muzyczne” (In the cross-border rhythm - Polish-Saxon music workshops) Euroregional project

Plac Piłsudskiego Street, Main scene

Alternative scene:

06:30 p.m. DBL 59-700

08:00 p.m. Chapter One

09:00 p.m. Żółta Febra

10:00 p.m. Error Code

Spacerowa Street, OWS, Main scene


10:00 p.m.      „KOBALTOWA MGŁA” (COBALT MIST) performance done by the OCELOT Theater with the “Bolesławiec” Song and Dance Ensemble

Sunday, August 22

Bankowa 10 Street, school playground

09:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          Antiques fair

BOK - MCC, Plac Piłsudskiego 1c Street

10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. Manifest międzygatunkowej solidarności cz. I” (FLOWING WITH HONEY. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part I) - exhibition of ceramics by Stanisław Brach - „W sam raz” Gallery

10:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.          “Lari Papidze i Levan Mantidze - gruzińscy artyści na Dolnym Śląsku” (Lari Papidze and Levan Mantidze - Georgian artists in Lower Silesia) - the exhibition co-organized with the Culture and Art Centre in Wrocław - BOK - MCC, 1st floor, Lobby

10:00 a.m - 18:00 p.m.           “Nowe wzornictwo w ceramice bolesławieckiej” (New design in Bolesławiec ceramics) - opening of the exhibition - FORUM cinema hall

Prusa Street, Market Square

10:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.          Ceramics Fair

MBP-CW, Głowackiego 5 Street

"Bohaterki” (Heroines) - open-air exhibition of photographs by Paweł Łączny, winner of the 1st Grand Press Photo Photograph (PORTRAIT category) - in front of the MBP-CW building

10:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.          “MIODEM PŁYNĄCE. A manifesto of interspecies solidarity, part II - exhibition of Stanisław Brach ceramics - “Format” Gallery in MBP-CW

Ceramics Museum, Kutuzowa 14 Street

11:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.          „Jak dawniej robiono pranie?” (How was laundry done in the past?) show; „Dziedzictwo przemysłowe ożywa” (Industrial heritage comes alive) interactive game

Ceramics Museum, Mickiewicza 13 Street

12:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.          Shows and workshops - “Wokół ceramiki w muzealnym ogrodzie” (Around ceramics in the museum garden)”

Market Square

12:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Ceramic historical workshops

Square behind BOK - MCC

12:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m.          “Ceramiczne Miasto – polsko-niemieckie warsztaty sztuk plastycznych” (Ceramic City - Polish-German plastic arts workshops)

Ceramics Museum, Kutuzowa 14 Street

03:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.          „Jak dawniej robiono pranie?” (How was laundry done in the past?) show; „Dziedzictwo przemysłowe ożywa” (Industrial heritage comes alive) interactive game

03:00 p.m.      show „Co hrabina nosiła pod suknią?” (What did the countess wear under her dress?) - fashion show prepared by the Krobnitz Castle

Plac Piłsudskiego Street, Main scene

12:00 a.m       “Trójkąt” Amusement Theater from Zielona Góra - „Magiczna fasola” (Magic Beans), a children spectacle

01:30 p.m       “Bolesławiec” Municipal Brass Band

"Artystyczny młody Bolesławiec” (Artistic young Bolesławiec) - art block done by BOK - MCC and the Youth Cultural Center:

02:00 p.m       Scene of the Bolesławiec Cultural Center, International Ceramics Centre

05:00 p.m       Stage of the Youth Cultural Centre in Bolesławiec

Marian Basilica in Bolesławiec, Kościelna 3 Street

06:00 p.m       Mass in thanks for the intention of the medics, hospital employees and all involved in the fight against the Coronavirus as a token of gratitude to the community of Bolesławiec for their sacrificial involvement in the pandemic

Spacerowa Street, OWS, Main scene

Grand ending of the 27th Ceramics Fair in Bolesławiec:

08:00 p.m       „Miejcie nadzieję” (Hope) is a special concert for medical staff and all people involved in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic as well as for those who lost this fight.

 The concert „Miejcie nadzieję” (Hope) directed by Marcin Kołaczkowski with the participation of outstanding Polish artists, incl. Beata Rybotycka, Jacek Wójcicki, Andrzej Poniedzielski, Kuba Badach, Anna Lasota, Janusz Radek and recognized Krakow instrumentalists.

Accompanying events:

Accompanying events:

Artistic Ceramics Fair, Kościuszki 23 Street

August 18 - 22, “Ogród Ceramiczny” (Ceramic Garden), 09:00 06:00 p.m. - sale of ceramic products with the latest stamp decorations.

August 21, - „Niezwykła przygoda dzbanka Franka” fairy tale book promotion - meeting with the author himself, Grzegorz Nowicki as well as the author of illustrations -

Mariusz Ochocki - at 12:00 a.m.: stamp make-up, clay moulding and ceramics painting show - for children


August 21, meeting with decoration designers Teresa Liana and Maria Starzyk at 10.00 a.m.

“Manufaktura w Bolesławcu" Sp. z o. o., Sp. k., Gdańska 30 Street:

August 20 - 22,

09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. free tour of the factory at full hours (language: pl, de, eng), including ceramics workshops, clay moulding

August 20,

10:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m. competitions with attractive ceramic prizes

The exhibition “Dolny Śląsk w formie” (Lower Silesia in form and shape) - how our region has changed thanks to EU funds,

Planty (green areas) by the city pond

Healthcare Centre in Bolesławiec, parking lot behind BOK - MCC

August 22 at 10:00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. - MIASTECZKO ZDROWIA (TOWN OF HEALTH)

(vaccination point, consultations with a physiotherapist, dietitian, first aid training)

Ceramics Works in Bolesławiec, Kościuszki 11 Street

August 18 - 20 at 10:00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. - Visiting the plant and getting acquainted with the production of ceramic dishes

August 19 - Art photography vernissage of Urszula Popielarz

August 19 - 21, at 09:00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. - Meeting point with decoration designers

August 19 - 22, at 12:00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. - Biscuit stamping workshop

August 20 - 22 - Contests and ceramic quizzes with surprises and prizes

August 21 at 05:00 a.m. to 06.30 p.m. - Song and Dance Ensemble of the Bolesławiec Region in colourful folk costumes - folk performance

August 22 at 12:00 a.m. - Joint stamping of the jubilee ceramic teapot, the so-called Giganta ZC “BOLESŁAWIEC” Sp. z o.o.

TYRCZ Ceramics Centre, Kościuszki 24b Street

August 20 - 22,

10:00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. “Piknik z ceramiką” (Picnic with ceramics) - demonstrations of decorating, potter’s wheel handling performance and clay moulding

12:00 a.m. - 03.00 p.m. visiting the plant

Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre

August 22 at 11.00 a.m. “Bolesławiecki Bieg Po Schodach – Bieg Po Ceramiczną Filiżankę” (Bolesławiec Run Down the Stairs for a Ceramic Cup), Hubert Bonin Park, Tyrankiewicza Street